ISO - Certivication

headline-markerKarl-Heinz Höhne Award – 2nd Place for Outstanding Research


DPM group leader PD Dr. Steffen Oeltze-Jafra and a researcher team from the Otto-von-Guericke-University Magdeburg earned the second place at the Karl Heinz Höhne Award ceremony of the German Informatics Society (GI).
Since 2004, its Visual Computing in Biology and Medicine (VCBM) group has been awarding the prize for outstanding research work in cooperation with Brainlab, GI and CURAC. The successful contribution, in which Oeltze-Jafra played a major role, is dedicated to the interactive sketching and annotating of vascular structures to support the medical training, therapy planning and patient education. The award ceremony took place at the VCBM-Annual Meeting in Ulm. There, Juliane Müller also presented research results of the DPM-group regarding digital decision support for the treatment and aftercare of cancer.

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