Job offers

We appreciate your interest in our job advertisements. Please send your application documents to the contact details given in the advertisement or to: bewerbung@iccas.de.


Unfortunately, we currently have no vacancies.

We do not currently have a suitable position for you?
Of course, we are still always looking for reliable employees and student assistants in the fields of computer science, medical technology, bioinformatics, mathematics, engineering, mechanical engineering or similar and will gladly accept your unsolicited applications. We will review your application documents regardless of whether we currently have a position to fill that matches your profile and will get back to you at the first opportunity.

If you are interested in a research assistant position, please send your application to: bewerbung@iccas.de

Student and research assistants

Student assistant/ research assistant for research office

If you are interested in working as a student or research assistant, please send your application to: bewerbung@iccas.de


Internship at the ICCAS

Web-based HSI tissue atlas – Implementation of a web-based tissue atlas for hyperspectral data
Contact: Hannes Köhler
Relevant disciplines: computer science, media informatics, medical informatics


Master Theses

Model-based Automation and Integration

Filtering and Compensation of Electrical Impedance Tomography Reconstruction Artifacts
Contact: Reinhard Fuchs
Relevant disciplines: Medical technology, medical informatics or a comparable course

Photogrammetry for patient specific EIT reconstruction
Contact: Reinhard Fuchs
Relevant disciplines:Medical technology, medical informatics or a comparable course

Multimodal Intraoperative Imaging

Tissue classification based on hyperspectral and RGB image data
Kontakt: Hannes Köhler
Relevant subjects: Medical engineering, physics or a comparable course of study

Recognition of tissue structures
Contact: Marianne Maktabi
Relevant disciplines: computer science, mathematics

Characterization of an LED-based laparoscope
Contact: Annekatrin Pfahl
Relevante disciplines: computer science, medical engineering


Likely=! Good – Predicting favorable treatment options
Contact: Adrian Lindenmeyer
Relevant disciplines: computer science, mathematics

Development of a dynamic software component for the visualization of modular clinical decision-making processes
Contact: Dr. Alexander Oeser
Relevant disciplines: engineering or computer science

Development of a GraphQL-based reporting component for the secure collection and communication of patient feedback technologies
Contact: Dr. Alexander Oeser
Relevant disciplines: engineering or computer science


EPR translator for emergency medical teams
Kontakt: Jan Gaebel
Relevante Fächer: Computer science, Medical Technology, Bioinformatics

Bachelor thesis

Modell-based Automation and Integration

Recording of asynchronous breathing behavior
Contact: Reinhard Fuchs
Relevant disciplines: Medical technology, medical informatics or a comparable course

Reduction for 3D optimization
Contact: Ivan Matyash
Relevant disciplines: computer science, Engineering, mechanical engineering

Multimodal Intraoperative Imaging

Tissue classification based on hyperspectral and RGB image data
Kontakt: Hannes Köhler
Relevant subjects: Medical engineering, physics or a comparable course of study

Recognition of tissue structures
Contact: Marianne Maktabi
Relevant disciplines: computer science, mathematics


Development of a dynamic software component for the visualization of modular clinical decision-making processes
Contact: Dr. Alexander Oeser
Relevant disciplines: engineering or computer science

Development of a GraphQL-based reporting component for the secure collection and communication of patient feedback technologies
Contact: Dr. Alexander Oeser
Relevant disciplines: engineering or computer science


Dynamic Patient Data Entry Module
Kontakt: Jan Gaebel
Relevante Fächer: Computer science, Medical Technology, Bioinformatics

Modeling and event-oriented simulation of medical
Kontakt: Alexander Holzenleiter
Relevante Fächer: Computer science, Medical Technology

FHIR server prototype implementation with modern Java technologies
Kontakt: Hector Codnori Alagon
Relevante Fächer: Informatics, Bioinformatics, Medical engineering or similar

Das ICCAS bietet die Möglichkeit zur Promotion in vielfältigen, auch allgemeineren Themenbereichen. Als eines der führenden Forschungszentren im Bereich der computerassistierten Chirurgie begleiten wir engagierte Nachwuchswissenschaftler*innen in einem innovativen und interdisziplinären Umfeld. Unsere Promotionsprojekte eröffnen Ihnen spannende Perspektiven, um durch praxisorientierte Forschung eigene Akzente zu setzen und zur Weiterentwicklung medizinischer Technologien beizutragen. Interessiert? Dann freuen wir uns auf Ihre Bewerbung!

Bei Interesse an einer spezifischen Promotion senden Sie bitte Ihre Bewerbung und den thematischen Schwerpunkt oder ihre Ideen an: bewerbung@iccas.de