COMPASS Presentation at the Mittelstandskonferenz in Berlin
At the end of November, the Mittelstandskonferenz organized by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) on the “KMU-innovativ” funding priority took place in Berlin. Representatives of small and medium-sized enterprises from various areas of information- and communication technology were invited to discuss and network. ICCAS presented togehter with the partners the COMPASS project in the sector “Human-Technology Interaction”. In this project, research is being carried out to improve the OR navigation. At the booth, an assistance system for stereo endoscopy in the ENT area was demonstrated.
EU Commissioner visited ICCAS
On November 23, ICCAS welcomed Christos Stylianides, EU Commissioner for Humanitarian Aid and Civil Protection. The Commissioner followed an invitation from the EUMFH project consortium around Prof. Thomas Neumuth, which presented the first results of the concept development of a European emergency hospital. At the same time, he visited the ICCAS’s Intelligent Operating Room and a surgical robotics application.
In a statement, Stylianides emphasized the high importance of science for this project and for further developments in disaster relief. ICCAS is the only partner of a European university. It participates with the electronic patient record and the networking of the information technology.
1st place for Alexander Oeser at AMIA 2018
Alexander Oeser received the 1st prize in the Design Challenge Competition of the ‘Visual Analytics in Healthcare’ (VAHC) workshop, a satellite event of the American Medical Informatics Association (AMIA 2018) in San Francisco. There, he presented a novel system for assessing laboratory orders.
HSI workshop successfully held in cooperation with UKL
On 14.11.2018, the HSI Workshop on “Further Development of Hyperspectral Imaging in Medicine” took place in Leipzig under the direction of Prof. Ines Gockel (head of the Clinic for Visceral-, Transplantation-, Thoracic- and Vascular Surgery at Leipzig University Hospital) and Dr. Claire Chalopin (ICCAS). More than 30 international participants from research, clinic and industry attended presentations on the clinical application of hyperspectral imaging for tissue examination. This non-invasive, contactless and easy-to-use technique is of great interest for both, clinic and industry.
The participant’s feedback was very positive, current collaborations were strengthened and new collaborations arose. The next meeting will follow in Heidelberg in the first quarter of 2019.
Prof. Neumuth with contributions at MEDICA 2018
At this year’s MEDICA, taking place from November 12 to 15, 2018 in Düsseldorf, Prof. Thomas Neumuth is represented with two contributions. On November 12, with a lecture on “Medical Technology and Artificial Intelligence [AI]” and on November 14, as an expert in a panel discussion on “Operating Theater 4.0 – The OR.NET Approach to Safe and Dynamic Device Networking”.
Professor Melzer at the iSMIT in Korea
At the 30th Conference of the international Society for Medical Innovation and Technology (iSMIT), which takes place in Seoul (Korea) from November 08 to 10, Prof. Andreas Melzer acts as congress organizer and member of the international scientific committee. He also gives an invited lecture on “Future Operating Room & Safety” and presents results of the SONO-RAY Group.
ICCAS supported EU’s largest civil protection exercise
The European Union conducted its largest civil protection exercise (ModEX) ever held in Europe in Bucharest from October 14 to 18. The exercise trained the coordination and cooperation of diverse Emergency Medical Teams (EMT) from different nations. A total of 517 emergency personnel from 17 countries and more than 1500 Romanian volunteers took part. Prof. Thomas Neumuth and Erik Schreiber evaluated the digital patient file for disaster relief developed at ICCAS under real conditions. They worked in the newly established project team “European Modular Field Hospital” (EUMFH).
Find out more (German)
SONO-RAY research presented at FUS Symposium
From October 21 – 25, the 6th International Symposium on Focused Ultrasound (FUS) takes place in Reston (Virginia, USA). At the worldwide leading forum Prof. Andreas Melzer presents the topics of the SONO-RAY research group: “Focused ultrasound-hyperthermia and radiation therapy for combined treatment of brain and prostate tumors” and “Concepts for robot-assisted focused ultrasound to support radiation therapy”.
Contribution to MRI-Safety at ESMRMB School
“MR Safety” is the topic of the School of MRI, which is organized by the European Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine and Biology, taking place in Vienna from October 18 – 20. The course informs about current risk factors as well as latest clinical trends and standards in this field of work. Prof. Andreas Melzer contributes his knowledge in the area of patient and personnel safety. He holds a lecture on “MR-safety issues in interventional MR”.
Launching of two projects: COMPASS and LYSiS
Two new projects have launched at ICCAS. Already in September, the BMBF-funded joint project “Cooperative immersive assistance system for minimally invasive surgery – COMPASS” started, in which ICCAS and several partners from science, clinic and industry develop an artificial navigation awareness for the intelligent support of minimally invasive endoscopic navigation.
On October 9th, the kick off of the BMBF-funded KMU-innovativ project “Innovative imaging for tissue differentiation in minimally invasive surgery – LYSiS” took place at ICCAS. In this project, ICCAS in cooperation with Diaspective Vision GmbH and the Clinic and Polyclinic for Visceral, Transplantation, Thoracic and Vascular Surgery is researching on a computer-assisted method for the automatic characterization, recognition and presentation of tissue from intraoperative hyperspectral imaging data.