From October 21th to 22th, 2024, Frankfurt welcomed the German government’s Digital Summit and offered a wide range of insights into the digital future. Under the motto “Smart City Frankfurt – Discover Digital Places”, citizens were able to experience digitalization up close, with numerous exhibitions on smart living and digital administration as well as workshops on artificial intelligence and sustainability. The city presented itself as a modern, digitally networked location and, together with the state of Hesse, showed how far the digital transformation has already progressed.
A highlight of the summit was the presentation of the “6G-Health” project funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) at the Vodafone Germany stand. In cooperation with partners such as the Vodafone Innovation Center Dresden, the German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI), Infineon AG and VDE e.V., innovative technologies for health monitoring were presented. These included the wireless recording of vital parameters (such as pulse and respiratory rate) using radar waves, which are measured by sensors installed in the bed when patients are lying down.This technology, known as “JCAS”, will also be used in 6G mobile networks in the future. Another highlight was the Body Area Network developed by DFKI, which networks wearables such as blood glucose sensors, smartwatches and smart soles of the feet in an energy-efficient way and can transmit data to hospitals, for example – ideal for monitoring patients after discharge.
The VDE’s MDComp framework was also presented, which is intended to facilitate the approval of modular medical devices. Numerous representatives from politics and business, including the CEO of Vodafone Germany, Daniela Kluckert (Parliamentary State Secretary at the Federal Ministry for Digital Affairs and Transport), Susanne Ding (Federal Ministry for Digital Affairs and Transport) and Gertrud Husch (Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy) were informed about the project. The Federal Chancellor, Volker Wissing, Bettina Stark-Watzinger and Robert Habeck were also present at the summit and sent a strong signal about the importance of digital innovation in Germany.
Further information on the Digital Summit 2024 and the projects can be found on the official event website: https://www.digitalgipfel-hessen.de/.