headline-marker„Inroads to Minimally Invasive CI Surgery” – Präsentation von Dr. Brett Bell


Am Mittwoch, dem 2. April 2014 um 13.00 Uhr wird Dr. Brett Bell eine Präsentation zum Thema „Inroads to Minimally Invasive CI Surgery” ” im ICCAS-Seminarraum halten.

Bell erhielt 2003 einen BS in Mechanical Engineering von der Utah State University. Anschließend begann er ein direct-Ph.D.-program Biomedical Engineering an der Purdue University, wo er sich mit Biopolymeren und der Biomechanik von Zellen beschäftigte. Seit 2010 ist Dr. Bell Leiter der Robotic Surgery group, zunächst am Institute of Surgical Technology and Biomechanics (ISTB) und dann am ARTORG Center for Biomedical Engineering, Bern.

Derzeit untersucht er verschiedene Aspekte der klinischen Implementierung eines chirurgischen Robotersystems für die minimal-invasive Cochlea Implantation, einschließlich Sicherheit, chirurgischer Arbeitsabläufe und nicht-invasiver Registrierung.On Wednesday 2nd April 13:00, Dr. Brett Bell from the ARTORG Center for Biomedical Engineering Research, Image-Guided Microsurgery, University of Bern will give a presentation entitled “Inroads to Minimally Invasive CI Surgery” in the ICCAS seminar room.

Dr. Brett Bell received a BS in mechanical engineering from Utah State University in 2003. He then began a direct PhD program Biomedical Engineering at Purdue University where he investigated biopolymers and cell biomechanics. Since 2010, Dr. Bell has been head of the Robotic Surgery group, first at the Institute of Surgical Technology and Biomechanics (ISTB) and then at the ARTORG Center for Biomedical Engineering, Bern.

Currently, Dr. Bell is investigating various aspects of a clinical implementation of a surgical robot system for minimally invasive cochlear implantation including safety, surgical workflow, and non-invasive registration.

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