
headline-markerTeaching modules during winter semester 2021/2022


For the current winter semester, we are again offering courses for students of the University of Leipzig and the HTWK Leipzig, which provide an interdisciplinary view of the research area of computer-assisted medicine. At Leipzig University, introductory courses on computer-assisted surgery (CAS) are offered for both medical students and students of computer science or related fields. For the computer science students, in addition to the online lecture, a practical course is also part of the program. The training offers the opportunity to deal with practical problems in the application of information technology in surgery. During the practical training, which will take place at ICCAS, there will be exercises in CAS including visualization, medical image processing, surgical workflows and surgical robotics. For medical professionals, the module holds application examples from different surgical disciplines that demonstrate the practical use of the cutting-edge technology. Individual devices can be practically tested at the ICCAS demo OR itself. In addition, a course on project management is offered at the HTWK. Details on module registration and further information can be found on our website.

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