Photo: Stefan Straube / UKL. From left to right.: Dr. Jean-Baptiste Tylcz (ICCAS), Prof. Joseph Claßen (Neurologie), Max Schreiber (ICCAS), Prof. Dominik Michalski (Neurologie), Daniela Geisler (Neurologie), Daniela Urban (Neurologie), Richard Schmidt (Neurologie)
The PostStroke-Manager is a hybrid, patient-oriented, digital system that is intended to enable coordinated preventive long-term care for stroke patients in the difficult period after the acute event. Now that the development phase of the project has been successfully completed, a feasibility study on the applicability of the developed aftercare concept has been launched this January. The developed system consists of an app, portals for the treatment providers as well as assistance by stroke pilots and, thus, integrates the different groups involved in the aftercare into one plattform. It is the first digitally supported solution using modern eHealth and mHealth technologies that focuses on the care needs of stroke patients and can be deployed in hospitals, in the practices of physicians, and above all, in the patient’s home environment.
The project leaders are Prof. Dr. med. Joseph Claßen (Director of the Clinic and Polyclinic for Neurology at University of Leipzig Medical Center), Prof. Dr. med. Dominik Michalski (Senior Physician of the Stroke Unit at University of Leipzig Medical Center) and Prof. Dr. Galina Ivanona (Head of the Biomedical Analysis Research Group at ICCAS).