
51. Annual conference of DGMP

headline-markerLectures and live robotics demonstrations for medical physicists


Within the framework of this year’s 51st annual meeting of the German Society for Medical Physics (DGMP), two guest sessions for experts from the German Society for Biomedical Engineering (DGBMT) are scheduled for September 10. The joint sessions will provide insights into the latest research and development of various expert committees within the DGBMT and will include not only expert talks but also live robotics demonstrations from ICCAS and the German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ). Prof. Andreas Melzer and Prof. Bernhard Sattler will chair the first expert session, which will highlight the challenges of magnetic resonance-guided interventions from a physical and technical point of view. Another session will give a foretaste of the contents of the upcoming BMT Annual Meeting.

Link to DGMP
Link to BMT 2020

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