Research on the effects of focussed ultrasound and radiation therapy on cancer cells (project SONO-RAY) - pupils during pipettingForschung zur Wirkung von Fokussiertem Ultraschall und Strahlentherapie auf Krebszellen (Projekt SONO-RAY) - Schülerinnen beim Pipettieren
Schoolgirls looking through a surgical microscope in the intelligent operation roomSchülerinnen beim Blick durch ein chirurgisches Mikroskop im intelligenten Forschungsoperationssaal
Puncturing at a spine model with the help of magic lens and robotPunktieren am Wirbelsäulenmodell mit Hilfe von magischer Linse und Roboter
On the occasion of Girls’ Day schoolgirls from the 8th to the 10th grade of high schools in Saxony and Saxony Anhalt were introduced to serveral application areas of Medical Informatics within the University Medicine on 27th April 2017. At the last stop on this very informative tour, ICCAS scientists came up with research to touch. The pupils could control a robot arm, pipette on cells and make the skin temperature visible by using an infrared camera. Particularly impressive was the diversity of applications of computer science when looking in the digital research operating room.