headline-markerICCAS successfully participates in Regions4PerMed – Best Practice Competition


One of the main activities of the European Regions4PerMed project is to collect and disseminate

Best Practices (BPs) that successfully advance the implementation of personalized medicine at the regional level. The Regions4PerMed Best Practice Award was evaluated through an international peer review process and will be formally awarded at the project’s final conference in Brussels on March 21-22, 2023. ICCAS participated in this competition with three entries. A total of two first places and one second place were won as a result.

The winners of the competition are:

KA1: Big Data, electronic health records and health governance.
Jan Gaebel“EOS – Emergency Medical Team Operating System”, Innovation Center Computer Assisted Surgery, University of Leipzig (DE).
“In cooperation with the Directorate-General for European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations (DG ECHO) and several European aid organizations, ICCAS is developing the Emergency Medical Team Operating System (EOS). The work on this Clinical Information and Assistance System specifically for Humanitarian Operations was awarded the Best Practice Award by Regions4PerMed in the category “Big Data, electronic health records and health governance for Personalised Medicine”.”

KA2: Health Technology and Connected and Integrated Care.
Dr. Stefan Franke“Models for Personalised Medicine – Digital Medical Twins beyond data aggregation”, Innovation Center Computer Assisted Surgery, University of Leipzig (DE).

“As part of the BMBF collaborative project “Models for Personalised Medicine”, ICCAS worked with regional companies and partners at Leipzig University Hospital to develop systems to support personalised tumour therapy in all phases of treatment. The network’s work on a digital medical twin and its applications was honored with the Regions4PerMed Best Practice Award in the category “Health Technology in Connected and Integrated Care for Personalized Medicine”.”

The Best Practice Award will be awarded to Jan Gaebel and Dr. Stefan Franke at a ceremony during the project’s final conference, which will take place in Brussels on March 21 and 22, 2023.

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