headline-markerSummer semester 2024


Structured system innovation for medicine [Leipzig University] / Systems Engineering [HTWK Leipzig]

The focus of the module is on gathering practical experience of the development process for medical technology systems. After the introduction of the most important methodical contents in the lecture part, student project teams work out a complex task on their own responsibility. In this way, the technical knowledge is consolidated and supplemented by practical experience of teamwork.

Go to Uni Leipzig Moodle course
Go to HTWK Moodle course

Medical device development [Leipzig University / OVGU Magdeburg]

The aim of the lecture is to gain an overview of the basic regulatory and technical requirements for the development and marketing of medical devices (MP) in Germany and Europe. This will provide important impulses for later areas of work, such as planning of development steps, risk management, quality management and conformity testing. Based on the ICCAS research foci, the students will deal with issues such as European directives, harmonization and classification of MP.

Go to Uni Leipzig Moodle course
Go to OVGU Moodle course

Module Studium generale: Engineering Technology for the Medicine of the Future (Ing4Med) [HTWK]
Event series

In a time of rapid technological developments, we face the challenge of redefining the boundaries between medicine and technology. The Studium Generale “Engineering Technology for Medicine of the Future” approaches this topic with a reflective perspective and builds a bridge for exchange between research and teaching. The events of the Studium generale offer insight into new technologies that will profoundly change the future of medical care: Soft and continuum robotics are opening new doors for surgery by enabling more precise and less invasive procedures. Hyperspectral imaging promises to take diagnostics to a new level by providing detailed information about the condition of organs that cannot be captured by conventional methods. The operating room of the future will be revolutionized not only by advanced robotics, but also by networked and AI-powered technologies.During the event series, attendees will learn about these and other technologies and have the opportunity to apply them in laboratory environments. This hands-on approach will be used to illustrate various subfields of engineering technology and their importance to the medicine of the future.

Go to Opal course
