Tissue perfusion and moisture are important physiological parameters that reflect the healthy state of patients and are therefore measured for patient monitoring. Problems, such as incorrect drug concentration, pulmonary complications and inefficient oxygen therapy, can be early detected based on the parameter values. Currently, the standard methods, such as pulse oximetry and transcutaneous electrodes, have limitations especially for an application to premature babies. The devices are in contact with the body and measure the local perfusion.
The goal of the MultiGuard project is the development of a contactless and non-invasive multispectral system to support the diagnosis of patient complications. Multispectral imaging combines the principles of photometry with digital imaging and does not require any contrast agent. The system includes a multispectral measurement unit and image processing tools to compute continuously perfusion and pulsatile parameters, fat and water content from the measured absorption values. The light source unit will be made of switchable LEDs, not to disturb the patient with continuous visual light. The physiological parameters have to be delivered at video rate and quality. The visualization has to be optimal to warn the medical staff in case of complications.
At the end of the project, a prototype of the developed system will be evaluated at the intensive care unit and neonatology department.