ISO - Certivication

Research Area

Model-based medicine and intelligent operating room

Prof. Dr. Thomas Neumuth

Project Coordination

Prof. Dr. Thomas Neumuth




    Technical University of Dresden
    University Leipzig
    Helmholtz Center Dresden Rossendorf (HZDR), Department of Neuroradiopharmaceuticals


As one of the recently extended German centers for Artificial Intelligence (AI), ScaDS.AI aims to close the gap between efficient use of large amounts of data in both industry and research and advanced AI methods. For this purpose, the research topics at ScaDS.AI range from foundational AI methodology up to the application of AI in key areas like engineering, environmental systems, industry, and biomedical research, cooperating with many local companies and scientific institutions. Furthermore, increasing the public trust in AI is taken into consideration by integrating ethical and societal perspectives and making research available through the service center and Living Lab.
To push forward AI in the life sciences, ScaDS.AI cooperates with ICCAS by sharing research expertise and computing resources, focusing primarily on model-based, personalized cancer treatments.