At the Leipzig Long Night of Sciences ICCAS will make it possible to show live images of the lung. The booth is located in the foyer of the Biotechnological-Biomedical Centre (BBZ) at Deutscher Platz 5. Researchers from the Life Support Systems-group will explain how the lung function can be monitored in an emergency by using Electrical Impedance Tomography – who likes on the own body. A special measuring device including a newly developed measuring belt is used. In addition, the scientists will experimentally explain how this gentle imaging method works. It is based on measurements of electrical conductivities in the human body.
During an intersting lecture, Dr. Peter Salz will explain what is necessary to make latest research results suitable for the clinical use in cooperation with the medical technology industry. The lecture takes place in the BBZ-conference room from 8:00 to 8.30 p.m. Using the example of the new lung imaging for emergency use Dr. Salz reports on the work at the interface between research and industry and on the special challenges of medical technology development.
Live-Pictures from the Lung Using Electrical Impedance Tomography
Hands on action, station of children-rallye
Time: 06:00 – 11:45 pm
Venue: Foyer of BIO CITY LEIPZIG, Biotechnologisch-Biomedizinisches Zentrum, Deutscher Platz 5
From Idea to Device – Today’s Medical Technology Production
Lecture and Discussion
Time: 08:00 – 08:30 pm
Venue: Conference Room at Biotechnologisch-Biomedizinisches Zentrum, Deutscher Platz 5