headline-markerDas ICCAS mit dem “Intelligenten OP der Zukunft” auf der MEDICA 2016


MEDICA, the world’s biggest trade show for the medical industry, was held in Düsseldorf from November 14 to 17. The main topic this year was the digitalization of the healthcare sector and the networking of all those involved in the treatment process. ICCAS showcased its activities to visitors at its own display on the joint booth ‘Research for the Future’. Researchers from ICCAS explained aspects of the smart OR of the Future, a mobile version of the networked demonstrator OR set up at ICCAS in Leipzig. Visitors were able to explore the advantages for themselves by conducting endoscopy on a phantom. We would like to thank the University of Magdeburg for its excellent preparation and organization of the joint booth ‘Research for the Future’!

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Date: 14. – 17.11.2016
Venue: Messegelände Düsseldorf | Halle 3, Stand D 94

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