ISO - Certivication

headline-markerProfessor Andreas Melzer zum Direktor des ICCAS berufen


Since 1st September 2014, Prof. Dr. Andreas Melzer has been director of the Innovation Center Computer Assisted Surgery. He was appointed professor of computer-assisted surgery at the Faculty of Medicine at Leipzig University. With Professor Melzer ICCAS has gained a renowned and very experienced scientist in developing medical technologies and robotics for surgery, radiology and image-guided therapy.

Professor Melzer studied dentistry and medicine in Mainz and Tübingen. He qualified in Dentistry in 1989 and as Medical Doctor in 1993. During his professional career in clinic and science he has gained extensive experiences in the development of medical technologies and surgical instruments. Specialist subjects of the versatile researcher are interventional radiology and magnetic resonance imaging, image-guided robot technology and the further development of Nitinol devices. More than 100 patents and over 300 publications are based on his inventive talent. He is co-founder of several start-up companies in the medical technology business and consultant for major vendors on medicine. He also serves as organizer and chairman of various medical conferences.
Professor Melzer is the founding director of the Institute for Medical Science and Technology (IMSaT) of the Universities of Dundee and St. Andrews, Scotland. Since 2006, he has been holding the Chair of Medical Technology and leads the scientific work on Magnetic Resonance (MR)-guided intervention and therapy. At ICCAS he will research on MR-guided Focused UltraSound (MRgFUS) as a new method, which exemplary enables the implementation of a computer-assisted, image-guided diagnose and therapy.

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