
Special discussion atmosphere in the atrium of the UKL Children's Hospital.

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The three experts Prof. Florian Lordick, Prof. Peter Dabrock and Prof. Thomas Neumuth (from left to right) in conversation with moderator Monika Seynsche.

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Dr. Stefan Franke demonstrates the functionality of the Intelligent Operating room.

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Alexander Oeser explains the digital system which supports therapy decisions.

headline-markerDiscussion on KI in Medicine


On Monday, the chairman of the German Ethics Council Prof. Peter Dabrock, UCCL-Director Prof. Florian Lordick and Prof. Thomas Neumuth discussed about the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in medicine in the atrium of the Leipzig University Hospital. Furthermore, they answered questions of the mostly young audience, which particularly concerned the use and protection of personal data.
The event claryfied the great opportunities of AI for the medical sector, but at the same time pointed out its risks and limitations. The experts agreed that AI will only support physicians and not replace them.
At the ICCAS exhibition booths, visitors were able to get in touch with AI research. There were insights into the functioning of the Intelligent Operating Room and the digital system to support therapy descisions.

The event took place within the framework of the Year of Science funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF).


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