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Visit of the integrated OR at the department for ENT-Surgery at Leipzig University Hospital.OP-Besuch im integrierten OP im Department for ENT-Surgery im Universitätsklinikum Leipzig.

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Hands-ons on Medical Robotics and Device Networking.Hands-ons zu Medical Robotics und Device Networking.

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Lecture on „CAS in Neurosurgery” with Dr. Dirk Lindner.Vortrag „CAS in Neurosurgery” von Dr. Dirk Lindner

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Hands-On with Dr. Mathias Hofer on ”CAS in Ear, Nose and Throat Surgery”.Hands-On mit Dr. Mathias Hofer zu ” CAS in Ear, Nose and Throat Surgery”

headline-markerDORS – Summer School with Focus on Computer Assisted Medicine Came to an End


For the fifth time, the ICCAS hosted its Digital Operating Room Summer School (DORS). In theory and practice the 16 international participants worked on different topics related to computer assisted medicine. The particularly positive feedback from the guests was mainly due to the rich and varied program and to the intensive support provided by the entire ICCAS team. Between lectures, technical exercises and OR visits there was enough time for constructive exchange and stimulating discussions between the participants and the national and international tutors. The event, accredited with 35 European CME-Credits (EACCME®), offered an interdisciplinary approach to medical and technical aspects and is annually organized in close cooperation with physicians of the Leipzig University Hospital and the Heart Center Leipzig.

This year’s focus was on topics of latest computer-assisted applications in the medical fields of: Ear-Nose-Throat Surgery, Visceral and Heart Surgery, Urology and Radiology as well as on the Digital Patient Model, Medical Robotics and future-oriented technologies for the operating theatre of tomorrow. The combination of lectures, hands-on sessions, visits to operating rooms and discussions ensured an intensive and methodically wide-ranging insight into the content. Social events offered intensive communication, relaxation and exchange of experiences.

We are already looking forward to DORS 2019.

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