Participants and tutors of DORS 2017Teilnehmer und Tutoren der 4. DORS
Opening at BiocityEröffnung in der Biocity
Workshop computer assisted ENT surgeryWorkshop computerassistierte Chirurgie in der HNO-Heilkunde
Workshop image guided- and heart interventionsWorkshop bildgestützte- und Herzinterventionen
Workshop workflow and infrastructure in the Intelligent ORWorkshop Workflow und Infrastruktur im intelligenten OP
ICCAS‘s Digital Operating Room Summer School (DORS) successfully ended in early September. The feedback of the 26 participants from 12 states was very positive. They were convinced by the well balanced combination of theoretical knowledge transfer, OR-visits and practical units. Physicians of Leipzig University Hospital and Heart Center Leipzig as well as foreign experts supported the extensive summer school program, certified with 38 European CME-Credits (EACCME®). The course contents included computer assisted applications in the fields of ENT-, Neuro-, Visceral- and Heart-surgery, Urology and Radiology, the Digital Patient Model, medical robotics and technologies for the future operating room. The next DORS is scheduled from August 27 – 31, 2018.