PD Dr. med. habil. Michael Moche is Chief Physician at the Clinic for Interventional Radiology and Head of the certified Interdisciplinary Vascular Center and the Center for Minimally Invasive Therapy at the Helios Park-Klinikum in Leipzig, where around 2,000 patients are treated as inpatients every year. Among other things, a highly innovative hybrid angio-CT intervention room (first Nexaris installation from Siemens in Germany) is operated here and the entire spectrum of endovascular and percutaneous image-guided treatments is covered. Before joining Helios, he was Head of the Interventional Radiology Section at the Clinic for Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology at Leipzig University Hospital for 10 years, where he received his doctorate in 2004 and habilitated in 2016 and continues to work as a private lecturer. He then spent two years as Medical Director and Chief Physician at the 310 Clinic in Nuremberg, where he established the Interventional Radiology department. After completing his specialist training in diagnostic radiology in 2004, he specialized in minimally invasive image-guided therapy and was certified by the German Society for Interventional Radiology (DeGIR) as a trainer for interventional radiology. His research interests include MR-guided interventions and the development of planning and simulation software solutions for minimally invasive cancer treatment.
He was a leading medical partner in several German (BMBF – MobiGuide, ZIM – Myosphären) and European (FP7 – IMPPACT, GoSmart, ClinicIMPPACT) research projects with total funding of more than € 20 million. Michael Moche is a reviewer for the German Research Foundation and for a number of high-caliber international journals as well as a member of the German and European Society of Radiology (DRG, ESR) and the German (steering group member) and European Society of Interventional Radiology (DeGIR, CIRSE) and the German Society of Neuroradiology (DGNR).
Language skills: german, english, french, italian