Project Coordination

C. Martin Reich


    EPflex Feinwerktechnik GmbH
    Bavaria Medizin Technologie GmbH
    Universitätsmedizin Göttingen
    Universitätsmedizin Göttingen, Herzzentrum Göttingen, AG Kardiovaskuläre Bildgebung




MR-Guided Stent-Implantation

Goal of the joint project MR-Stents is the development of a Magnetic Resonance (MR)-guided stent implantation. MR imaging obviates the exposure to radiation and contrast media and enables an increased differentiation of the heart, blood flow analysis, and a 3D display of the heart – enhancing the stent implantation procedure.

ICCAS is researching novel MR markers and corresponding MR sequences to visualize stents in MRI. Additionally, an adequate clinical workflow will be developed and evaluated with a patient model. Coarctation of the aorta will serve as most difficult use case to proof the functionality throughout the project. The results might later serve as blueprint for MR-Stents for oesophagus, liver, and lung.

Coronary Heart Diseases and associated myocardial infarctions are a major cause of death in Germany. The recommended therapy by the National Disease Management is minimally-invasive catheter-guided stent implantation. This procedure is visualized using X-Ray fluoroscopy, entailing mutagen radiation exposure for both patient and interventionalist. While stenting is mostly performed in adults, congenital heart diseases in children are often treated with stent therapy – representing a high-risk group: regular monitoring and follow-up treatment massively increases the risk of cancer. Additionally, contrast agents bear a high risk of renal insufficiency.