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headline-markerICCAS is involved in research of future 6G technology


The establishment of four research hubs for the study of the future 6G technology is being funded with up to 250 million euros as part of the research program on communication systems of the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF). ICCAS participates in the initiative as an associated Partner under the coordination of the German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI). The objective of the cluster, dubbed Open6GHub, is to develop a holistic 6G system that should meet the needs of users and society coming 2030. Within the broader consortium, ICCAS is providing support with its know-how and long-standing expertise in the field of medical communication systems. Over the next decade, 6G technology will usher in a fundamental change in all areas of society, including healthcare. Our team is driven by the vision to help tap the potential of this revolutionary mobile communication technology in the service to make medicine accessible, personalized, affordable, and just for everyone.

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