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Prof. Dr. Prof. Dr. Eva Inés Obergfell (Rector Leipzig University) and Prof. Dr. Thomas Neumuth (Technical Director ICCAS) in front of our research ambulance

headline-markerICCAS displayed its blue print of a future ambulance at SPIN 2030


On 03.02.23, the Saxon State Ministry of Science, Culture and Tourism presented its agenda for the strategic development in research and education until 2030 at the event SPIN 2030 in the Congress Hall Leipzig. ICCAS displayed its research ambulance on site as part of the event. The vehicle is a blue print for the mobile use of medical devices. It relies on modern mobile communications standards for networking.
That way, in the future, it might be possible to retrieve previously collected patient data directly at the scene of an accident and to transmit information about the patient’s condition to the hospital prior to arrival. In critical situations, other physicians can also be involved via video call in order to support the rescue forces on site. The tools used range from standard tablet computers to technologies such as augmented reality (AR) glasses. These can be used, for example, to overlay vital signs such as heartbeat or oxygen saturation in real time without the rescue forces losing an overview of the situation on the scene. The knowledge gathered is intended to help set new standards in emergency care.

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