ISO - Certivication


headline-marker Dritter 3-Tesla-MRT am UKL in Betrieb – Kooperation mit ICCAS ermöglicht non-invasives Verfahren zur Tumorabtragung

Another ultra-modern 3-Tesla-MRI was put into operation at the Department of Diagonstic and Interventional Radiology at Leipzig University Hospital. Thanks to a research cooperation with ICCAS, it includes an additional device for the non-invasive treatment of cancer with high-intensity focused ultrasound.

press article (German)


headline-marker Das neue Jahr steht vor der Tür

A peaceful and relaxing Christmas time and a great start into the new year to all of you. We are already looking forward to welcoming numerous guests to our status seminar on January 19, 2017.


headline-marker Symposium Medizintechnik – Exkursion in den “OP der Zukunft” am ICCAS

On December 8, 2016, the Biomedical Engineering Symposium was held in Leipzig under the banner of ‘Using Medical Technology Safely in the Operating Room’. Attended by representatives of healthcare and industry, the symposium included not just fascinating talks on clinical practice and research but also a tour of ICCAS’s Operating Room of the Future.

At ICCAS, computer scientist Stefan Franke used a patient phantom to vividly demonstrate the advantages of the dynamically networked operating room. The demonstration OR devised and set up under the joint project OR.NET is partly used as a development and test environment. At the OR of the Future, the suitability of new concepts and technologies for clinical practice can be trialed in a highly realistic setting, while all the components and functions necessary for an operating room and networking can be simulated.

In the afternoon, the symposium continued with a talk entitled ‘The Joint Project OR.NET – Safe, Dynamic Networking in Operating Room and Clinic’ by Max Rockstroh (another computer scientist from ICCAS), who explained some of ICCAS’s latest research findings.


headline-marker Visitors explore the OR of the Future at university open day

On December 2, visitors flocked to ICCAS on ‘Dies academicus’, the 607th anniversary of the foundation of Leipzig University. Guided tours of the operating room of the future were organized. Alongside staff and students from the university, many prospective students seized this opportunity to learn about the technology of this fully networked demo OR and how it works.

Visitors were also invited to try their hand at surgery on a phantom. In addition, computer scientist Max Rockstroh from ICCAS give a talk in the main lecture hall at the study center at Liebigstrasse 27 entitled ‘The Operating Room as Part of the Team – or How We’re Teaching the OR to Think’. We would like to thank all our visitors for taking the time to come and see us!

headline-marker Das ICCAS mit dem “Intelligenten OP der Zukunft” auf der MEDICA 2016

MEDICA, the world’s biggest trade show for the medical industry, was held in Düsseldorf from November 14 to 17. The main topic this year was the digitalization of the healthcare sector and the networking of all those involved in the treatment process. ICCAS showcased its activities to visitors at its own display on the joint booth ‘Research for the Future’. Researchers from ICCAS explained aspects of the smart OR of the Future, a mobile version of the networked demonstrator OR set up at ICCAS in Leipzig. Visitors were able to explore the advantages for themselves by conducting endoscopy on a phantom. We would like to thank the University of Magdeburg for its excellent preparation and organization of the joint booth ‘Research for the Future’!

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Date: 14. – 17.11.2016
Venue: Messegelände Düsseldorf | Halle 3, Stand D 94


headline-marker Zum Dies academicus den OP-Saal der Zukunft erleben


Am diesjährigen Dies academicus, dem 607. Gründungstag der Universität Leipzig, können Interessenten mehr über die Technik und Arbeitsweisen des zukünftigen Operationssaals erfahren.

Das ICCAS lädt um 12.00 Uhr herzlich in den großen Hörsaal des Studienzentrums in der Liebigstraße 27 zum Vortrag „Der Operationssaal als Teil des Teams oder wie wir dem Saal das Denken beibringen“ ein.

Des Weiteren bietet das ICCAS Führungen durch den Operationssaal der Zukunft in der Semmelweistraße 14 (1.OG) an. Die erste beginnt 9.00 Uhr, eine weitere folgt 11:00 Uhr.
Hierfür wird um vorherige Anmeldung gebeten: info@iccas.de

Wir freuen uns auf viele Besucher!

Programmflyer Medizinische Fakultät


headline-marker ICCAS Kolloquium mit Gästen vom Universitätsklinikum Utrecht

Nov. 21, 2016

Interested parties are cordially invited to visit ICCAS’s upcoming colloquium. Our guests and speakers are experts from the University Medical Center Utrecht (NL).

Prof. Chrit Moonen from the Image Science Institute, Devision Imaging will speak about ‘New technologies for non-invasive tumor treatment’. Prof. Chris Terhaard from the Department of Radiotherapy addresses the topic ‘The role of MRI in radiotherapy for head and neck cancer’.

The colloquium will take place on Thursday, November 24, 2016, 4.00 – 5.30 pm in the Leipzig University Hospital, Liebigstraße 20, conference room 0015/0016.

More about the speakers and their lectures

We are looking forward to your participation!


headline-marker ICCAS auf MEDICA und COMPAMED

Nov. 11, 2016

At the world’s leading trade fair for the medical industry MEDICA 2016, ICCAS will present the ‚Intelligent operating room of the future“. Together with other scientific exhibitors from Saxony Anhalt, Thuringa and Saxony the exhibit will be shown at the stand ‘Research for the Future.‘

Date: Nov. 14 – 17, 2016
Venue: Messegelände Düsseldorf | Halle 3, Stand D 94

At the Suppliers Forum of the parallel occuring trade fair COMPAMED, Prof. Andreas Melzer will give the lecture: „EPflex MR-kompatible Instrumente: Führungsdrähte, Steinfang-, Thrombolysekörbchen und steuerbare Katheter“.
Date: Wed., Nov. 16, 2016
Venue: Messe Düsseldorf | | COMPAMED SUPPLIERS FORUM by DeviceMed | Halle 8b, Stand 8bG40

Program of Forum


headline-marker Sandra von Sachsen erhielt Promotionspreis der Medizinischen Fakultät Leipzig

vonsachsensandra_1Nov. 02, 2016

As part of the appointment of the Faculty Council on Oct. 25, Sandra von Sachsen was awarded the PhD thesis prize of the Medical Faculty Leipzig. The prize is given annually by the Dean for excellent achievements in the fields of Medicine and Dentistry.

Von Sachsen completed her doctorate on ‘Employment of numerical simulations for the comparison of stent grafts in vascular medicine. Use potential, requirement specification and man-machine interface’. The focus of her doctoral work is a simulation-based selection of vascular prostheses for the endovascular treatment of abdominal aortic aneurysms. For the identification of the method’s use potential a user study throughout Germany with 16 clinics was performed for the first time.



headline-marker Jordanische Gastprofessoren zu Besuch im Zukunfts-OP

Oct. 27, 2016

On October 25, Jordanian professors from the fields of medicine and biotechnology, medical informatics and engineering visited ICCAS. They are currently visiting guests within the scope of an Erasmus+ project at the Leipzig University of Applied Sciences (HTWK). The presentations of the intelligent operating room and the digital patient model were pursued with great interest and many questions were asked. The participants also showed interest in the delegation of guest researchers and in advancing projects with industrial partners.

The purpose of the program is to promote research and innovation at Jordanian universities. The participants learn ways of university-industry cooperation, public funds and functioning technology transfer.