ISO - Certivication

Research Area

Model-based medicine and intelligent operating room

Prof. Dr. Thomas Neumuth

Project Coordination

Dr. Max Rockstroh




    Maxlinear Germany GmbH (MXL)
    University Medical Center Leipzig (UML)
    devolo AG
    T-Systems International GmbH (TSY)
    Werner-von-Siemens Centre for Industry and Science e.V. (WVSC)
    Teleconnect GmbH
    QuantiCor Security GmbH
    Technical University of Braunschweig
    University of Applied Sciences Nordhausen
    NewMedia-NET GmbH
    Karl Leibinger Medizin-technik GmbH & Co. KG/ KLS Martin
    Teraki GmbH
    Technical University of Munich
    SurgiTAIX AG



headline-marker5G Compass

5G Compass

The goal of ICCAS in the 5G-COMPASS project is to integrate current and future communication technology into medical (-technical) care. To achieve this goal, both medical device manufacturers and communication technology manufacturers must be supported in the development of their products. In the project, a test hardware will be developed that allows medical device manufacturers to easily test different communication channels (Wi-Fi, Li-Fi, 5G) and thus verify the performance of their products. On the other hand, realistic data is provided to the communication technology over different channels, thus enabling testing of the communication technology in a realistic environment. To this end, the company draws on its many years of expertise in modeling

surgical interventions and process automation. On the level of communications engineering, ICCAS is a user of the communications technology, works closely with the partners from communications engineering in the project and contributes requirements and experience from the field of medical applications. Selectively, it collaborates on the development of algorithms and configurations where specific adaptations for the field of medical applications are necessary. On the medical technology side, there is intensive collaboration with the partners KLS-Martin and SurgiTAIX. The results are implemented and tested in the LivingLab of ICCAS.