ISO - Certivication

headline-markerDr. Max Rockstroh

Model-Based Automation and Integration


+49 341 97-12051

Background and Position

Max Rockstroh studied medical informatics at the University of Leipzig until 2012 and specialized in computer-assisted surgery during his studies. As part of his work at ICCAS, he took over the management of the demonstrators sub-project in the BMBF lighthouse project OR.NET in 2013, where he was responsible for planning and setting up the five demonstrators, including the ICCAS demo OR. The manufacturer-independent networking of medical devices and the development of value-added services based on this became the focus of his further research. After completing the OR.NET project, he was a founding member of OR.NET e.V., where he has been one of the two managing directors since 2019.
From 2019, he took over the establishment of a research team in the field of mobile phone networking in medicine and the operational management of the Momentum research project, in which the use of mobile phone technologies in the preclinical field was investigated. The focus was on the development of a research ambulance and a powerful and secure communication architecture as well as the development of added value for clinical users.
In 2021, Max completed his doctorate as Dr. rer. nat. with the title “Challenges in process support in the operating room with a special focus on activity recording and data storage as a basis for recognizing the surgical process” at the Medical Faculty of the University of Leipzig.

In 2021, Max completed his doctorate as Dr. rer. nat. with the title “Challenges in process support in the operating room with a special focus on activity recording and data storage as a basis for recognizing the surgical process” at the medical faculty of the University of Leipzig.
His team is currently working on several research projects on connectivity and interoperability at both network and protocol level. Since 2022, he has been the project manager for the 6G-Health research project under the joint leadership of Vodafone and ICCAS.

Research Areas

  • interoperability (IEEE11073-SDC, HL7-FHIR)
  • smart hospital (asset tracking, automation, process optimization)
  • value-added services for various user groups (intra-clinical, pre-clinical)
  • augmented reality
  • telemedicine / teleconsultation
