August 04, 2016
Dr.-Ing. Steffen Oeltze-Jafra has been leading the research group ‘Digital Patient-and Process Model’ since July 2016. The engineer changed from the Department of Simulation and Graphics at Magdeburg’s University to ICCAS. There, he worked in the Visualization Group. Oeltze-Jafra Oeltze-Jafra developed approaches for the analysis and visualization of complex image, simulation, and other non-image data from CT, MR, and Ultrasound imaging, Computational Fluid Dynamics simulations, and population studies. His special field is the coupling of automatic analysis techniques and interactive visualizations. There, he already gained experiences in the fields of clinical medicine, epidemiology and biology.
The new group leader is not a blank sheet at ICCAS. He already worked in cooperation with ICCAS and the Leipzig University Hospital for a project regarding the evaluation of intraoperative 3D-ultrasound perfusion imaging. For Oeltze-Jafra ICCAS’s excellent infrastructure and its practical research were main reasons of the change. But not least, his expertise in visualization fits perfect in the next research steps on the Digital Patient Model. The analysis and visualization of the huge amount of heterogeneous data per patient generated along his or her clinical pathway is a big challenge for him.
Oeltze-Jafra can easily imagine that in the future patient- and disease-specific models will advise physicians the best therapy options. Medics receive a valid support on therapy decisions based on funded scientific data. Furthermore, patients better understand the ways of treatment and are more closely involved in the therapy process.
The ICCAS-team welcomes Mr. Oeltze-Jafra and looks forward to a successful teamwork.