headline-markerErfolgreiche DORS-Woche 2016


Sep. 20, 2016

Last week, ICCAS’s 3rd Digital Operating Room Summer School took place. The internationally oriented course familiarized about 20 participants latest computer-assisted OR-technolgy from the object of research until the direct use on the patient.

Computer scientists, engineers and medics from Germany, Switzerland, the Netherlands, Turkey, Italy, China, Japan and India experienced an inspiring week with many practical sessions. The well filled programm kept its promise – interesting expert lectures, followed by practical exercises partly on patient phantoms and visits to state-of-the-art operating theaters and labs of Leipzig University Hospital and Heart Center Leipzig.

The participants praised the good balance between clinical and technical aspects as well as the theoretical explanations and practical sessions. The whole course was certified with 57 credits by the national authority ‘Sächsische Landesärztekammer’ and with 33 European CME-credits (EACCME®). Next year there will be one more DORS.

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