Model-based medicine and intelligent operating room
Prof. Dr. Thomas Neumuth
In the MOMENTUM project, medical technology is being developed that can be used not only in the hospital (eg in the trauma room, operating theater, intensive care unit), but also in preclinical care at the scene of the accident and in the ambulance.
Heterogeneous technologies of networked medical technology and IT systems will be integrated into mobile infrastructure including 5G-technology. As a result, on the one hand, medical-technical resources, technologies and information of the hospital can already be used on site and, on the other hand, information can be transmitted to the hospital. This not only allows a more precise diagnostic assessment of the patient-specific situation, but also a much higher precision in the initial diagnosis on site. The end-to-end availability of clinical information throughout the entire process chain – from the scene of the accident to the trauma room to the operating theater – can improve patient care and make it more efficient. In addition, the information collected at the scene of the accident and during transport can be coordinated for further treatment before the patient arrives and used seamlessly in the hospital.
The results of the MOMENTUM project should help to set new standards in emergency care. The transmission of all necessary information from the site to the hospital allows a new type of supply chain between ambulance and trauma room and enables new kinds of medical applications at the scene of accident and a better preparation in the trauma center.
Link to project on the BMBF website (German)
Link to project (German)
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