
headline-marker Lectures and live robotics demonstrations for medical physicists

Within the framework of this year’s 51st annual meeting of the German Society for Medical Physics (DGMP), two guest sessions (read more)


headline-marker ICCAS is represented at the INNOspace® Space2Health Initiative

Today, the German Aerospace Center (DLR), on behalf of the Federal Ministry of Economics and Energy (BMWi), is organizing the launch (read more)


headline-marker Invitation to the BMT 2020 via video message

The conference chairmen Prof. Andreas Melzer and Prof. Thomas Neumuth cordially invite you to participate in the first virtual annual conference of the German Society for (read more)

[:de]OP-Aufbau bei einer Hüftendoprothese-Operation in der Computersiumulation[:]


headline-marker Study on workflow simulation of operating room setups published

A recently published study by ICCAS in cooperation with the Orthopaedics Department of the University Hospital Leipzig shows (read more)


headline-marker Lecture for Medical Physicists at AAPM Virtual Meeting

Prof. Andreas Melzer holds an invited lecture at the Virtual Meeting of the American Association of Physicists in Medicine (AAPM) on 15.07. (read more)


headline-marker Contribution to ScadDS.AI Sommerschool

The National Centre for Big Data and Artificial Intelligence (ScaDS.AI Dresden/Leipzig) held its sixth (online) summer school from 7th to 8th July (read more)


headline-marker Prof. Neumuth talks in French German AI-Workshop of Ministries

At today’s workshop for a joint research project on AI technologies between the German Federal Ministry of Economics and Energy (read more)


headline-marker ICCAS-Newsletter 2/2020 published

Despite the difficult circumstances, restrictions and event cancellations in the last quarter, we were very active and successful, as our second ICCAS-newsletter shows. (read more)


headline-marker ICCAS becomes institute

After 15 years of outstanding research, ICCAS has now been transformed into a scientific institution within the Faculty of Medicine and, thus, receives official recognition as an institute (read more)


headline-marker ICCAS Contribution at the annual CARS conference

During this year’s online congress of the Society for Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery (CARS) ICCAS is an essential part of the scientific program. (read more)