
headline-markerICCAS to participate in the “Medizin und Informatik” event within the “Woche der Informatik” in Dresden 2-10 October 2006


As part of the “Informatikjahr”, a fascinating program is going to be offered in Dresden from 2 to 10 October 2006 during the “Woche der Informatik”.Very different fields in which computing plays a fundamental role asmotor of innovation are going to be presented at different locationsthroughout the city of Dresden.

In this setting, ICCAS will take part in the “Medizin und Informatik” event. During this day the presentations will focus on the impact ofcomputing and computers in the medicine of today and of the future.

ICCAS contribution will revolve around some of the main research topics at the Center. The following will be exhibited:

  • The navigated control concept, with the FESS-Control system.
  • Workflow recording and displaying
  • Phantoms for training and learning with ICASS Electronic Phantom

Additionally, there will be some oral presentations about computersin surgery and there will be the possibility to discuss about anyrelated topic with some of ICCAS researchers.

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