From 17.-20.09.06 ICCAS presented an innovative Electronic Phantom during the Congress of the “American Academy of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery Foundation” AAO-HNSF (www.entnet.org/annual_meeting/) in Toronto (Canada). The phantom system can be used for the simulation of milling procedures at the petrous bone. Injuring of structures at risk like the facial nerve and blood vessels can be detected during the simulation and documented with special software.
Flyer Elephant German
Flyer Elephant English
From 17.-20.09.06 ICCAS presented an innovative Electronic Phantom during the Congress of the “American Academy of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery Foundation” AAO-HNSF (www.entnet.org/annual_meeting/) in Toronto (Canada). The phantom system can be used for the simulation of milling procedures at the petrous bone. Injuring of structures at risk like the facial nerve and blood vessels can be detected during the simulation and documented with special software.
Flyer Elephant German
Flyer Elephant English