Dr. Thomas Neumuth, Stefan Bohn und Stefan Franke vertreten das ICCAS auf der diesjährigen “15th International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention (MICCAI)”, die vom 01. bis 05. Oktober in Nizza stattfindet.
Dr. Thomas Neumuth vertritt das ICCAS als Mitglied des Program Committee. Weiterhin leitet er den “3rd Workshop on Modeling and Monitoring of Computer Assisted Interventions”. Dieser dritte Workshop zielt darauf ab, in dem bereits etablierten Forum, die Diskussion über die modernen Methoden zur Erfassung, Analyse, Modellierung und Überwachung von operative / interventionellen Verfahren weiter voranzutreiben.
Stefan Bohn übernimmt beim “Fifth International Workshop on Systems and Architectures for Computer Assisted Interventions (SACAI)” die Moderation einer Diskussionsrunde mit Teilnehmern der Medizintechnikindustrie zum Thema Interoperabilität in der Computer-assistierten Chirurgie. Ferner hält er einem Vortrag zum Thema “An integration architecture with centralized control for medical devices in the digital operating room.”
Stefan Franke stellte aktuelle Arbeiten des ICCAS zu Workflowmanagement im Operationssaal vor. Im Rahmen des Workshops “M2CAI 2012 – 3rd Workshop on Modeling and Monitoring of Computer Assisted Interventions” hält er einen Vortrag zum Thema “Prediction of remaining procedure time from current surgical activities”. Ziel der Arbeit ist die Entwicklung eines technischen Assistenzsystems zur Unterstützung des Zeit- und Ressourcenmanagements in modernen Operationssälen.
Dr. Thomas Neumuth, Stefan Bohn and Stefan Franke will represent the ICCAS at this year’s “15th International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention (MICCAI)” from May 01 to 05 October in Nice.
Dr. Thomas Neumuth will represent the ICCAS as a member of the Program Committee. Furthermore he also directs the “3rd Workshop on Modeling and Monitoring of Computer Assisted Interventions”. This third workshop discusses the modern methods of collecting, analyzing, modeling and monitoring of surgical / interventional procedures within this well-established forum.
Stefan Bohn takes over at the “Fifth International Workshop on Systems and Architectures for Computer Assisted Interventions (SACAI)” moderating a roundtable discussion with members of the medical technology industry on interoperability in the computer-assisted surgery. He also holds a lecture entitled “An integration architecture with centralized control for medical devices in the digital operating room.”
Stefan Franke will present his latest works of ICCAS for workflow management in the operating room. At the workshop “M2CAI 2012 – 3rd Workshop on Modeling and Monitoring of Computer Assisted Interventions” he will give a presentation about “Prediction of remaining procedure time from current surgical activities”. The aim of the work is to develop a technical assistance system to support the time and resource management in modern operating rooms.