
headline-markerDr. Sandra von Sachsen

Guest researcher - Project acquisition in the fields of Vascular Medicine and Spinal Surgery

Background and Position

Sandra von Sachsen (nee as Scherer) received her diploma in Media Informatics at the University of Applied Sciences Berlin (Germany) and her Master degree in Multimedia at the University of La Rochelle (France) in 2004. She received her Doctor of Medical Sciences in 2015 at the University of Leipzig, Faculty of Medicine. Topic of the doctoral thesis: Use of numerical simulations for the comparison of stent grafts in endovascular medicine – potential of use, requirement specification and man-machine interface.

2004 – 2007 Chemnitz University of Technology: Research Associate in the “Virtual Reality lab” at the Institute of Machine Tools and Production Processes. Project manager of a research project funded from the Saxon Ministry of Science and Fine Arts. Developing VR-application for glyph based visualization oft stress tensors.

2007 – 2011 Fraunhofer Institute for Machine Tools and Forming Technology: Research Associate in the group “Medical Engineering”. Project manager of two research projects funded from the Saxon Ministry of Science and Fine Arts: Finite-Element-Models in hip endoprosthetics and endovascular surgery

2011 – 2012 ICCAS: Research associate and project manager of a research project funded from the Saxon Ministry of Science and Fine arts: Requirement analysis for the development of a OP-Planning software for the implantation of vascular prosthesis. Research focus: Development of a method for the integration of a Finite-Element-Model into a planning software for assisting the vascular surgeon in stent graft selection.

2012 – 2014 ICCAS: Research associate and project manager of a research project funded from the Saxon Ministry of Science and Fine arts: Structural defect classification and modelling of the cervical spine.

2015 – 2016 Parental leave.

2016 – 2017 ICCAS: Research associate: Project acquisition in the field of vascular medicine and spine surgery.

Research Areas

Integration of numerical simulations in surgical workflows
Development of surgical planning software for vascular surgery and neurosurgery
Graphical User Interfaces for medical applications
