ISO - Certivication


headline-marker CURAC 2008

We are pleased to inform you that the 7th annual conference of Deutsche Gesellschaft für Computer-und Roboter-Assistierte Chirurgie (CURAC 2008) will be held from the 24. -26. September 2008 in Leipzig.

Congress President: Prof. Dr. Volkmar Falk

For more information about CURAC 2008 please visit the following website:

headline-marker 12. August 2008 ZIK Evaluation, BIO-CITY, Leipzig

12. August 2008 – ICCAS ist Gastgeber der Auftaktveranstaltung zur Evaluation der Zentren für Innovationskompetenz, 1. Förderrunde durch das BMBF.

headline-marker Lange Nacht der Wissenschaften

ICCAS takes part on the first “Lange Nacht der Wissenschaften” in Leipzig on 28 June 2008

The 1st “Lange Nacht der Wissenschaften” on Saturday 28th June 2008 marks the starting point of the “Wissenschaftssommer 2008” in Leipzig.

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headline-marker 24.4.2008 – Girls’ Day 2008

Medical Informatics for Girls

ICCAS is contributing to the effort of motivating Girls to the Medical Informatics by giving them a breathtaking insight to applications of computer science to Medicine. Gils from or above 8. Class in Gymnasium are eligible for the event.

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headline-marker Leipziger Forum and CAS-H 2008

The Leipziger Forum on Computer Assisted Surgery 2008 will take place on Feb. 9, 2008

(co-located with CAS-H 2008, Feb. 6-8) and consists of two workshops on computer aided surgery:

CURAC/CARS/DGBMT 2nd Joint Workshop on Model Guided Therapy and Adaptive Assist Systems
9:00-10:45 Chaired by V. Falk, H.U. Lemke (University of Leipzig)

(mehr lesen)

headline-marker ICCAS spin-off company PHACON GmbH won futureSAX 2007

On the 18th of july, the winner of founder and young business-men 2007 was honored in Dresden by Saxony minister of state Thomas Jurk within the business-plan competition futureSAX www.futuresax.de.

In the category “Founding” the ICCAS spin-off company PHACON GmbH won the first award. The team develops surgical simulation systems, detecting injuring of structures at risk during the simulation. Furthermore, PHACON creates patientindividual models for preoperative planning.

headline-marker 1st award for the marketing idea of the ICCAS spin-off company PHACON GmbH iG.

On the 26th of april, the best marketing-ideas of founder and young business-men 2007 in the categories Technology, Bio-/ Nanotechnology, Information-/ Communicationtechnologies and Service were honored in Leipzig within the business-plan competition FutureSAX.

In the category Technology the ICCAS spin-off company PHACON GmbH iG won the first award. The team develops surgical simulation systems, detecting injuring of structures at risk during the simulation. Furthermore, PHACON will create patientindividual models for preoperative planning.

headline-marker 1st award for the business idea of the ICCAS spin-off company SPMG GmbH iG.

On the 30th of January, the best business-ideas of founder and young business-men 2007 in the categories Technology, Bio-/ Nanotechnology, Information-/ Communicationtechnologies and Service were honored in Chemnitz within the business-plan competition FutureSAX.

In the category Technology the ICCAS spin-off company SPMG GmbH iG SPMG won the first award. The team develops surgical simulation systems, detecting injuring of structures at risk during the simulation. Furthermore, SPMG will create patientindividual models for preoperative planning.


headline-marker Innovative “Electronic Phantom” exhibited at AAO-HNSF in Toronto

From 17.-20.09.06 ICCAS presented an innovative Electronic Phantom during the Congress of the “American Academy of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery Foundation” AAO-HNSF (www.entnet.org/annual_meeting/) in Toronto (Canada). The phantom system can be used for the simulation of milling procedures at the petrous bone. Injuring of structures at risk like the facial nerve and blood vessels can be detected during the simulation and documented with special software.

Flyer Elephant German

Flyer Elephant English
From 17.-20.09.06 ICCAS presented an innovative Electronic Phantom during the Congress of the “American Academy of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery Foundation” AAO-HNSF (www.entnet.org/annual_meeting/) in Toronto (Canada). The phantom system can be used for the simulation of milling procedures at the petrous bone. Injuring of structures at risk like the facial nerve and blood vessels can be detected during the simulation and documented with special software.

Flyer Elephant German

Flyer Elephant English

headline-marker ICCAS presented its work on occasion of Open Doors at the Federal Ministry of Education and Research

ICCAS presented its work on occasion of Open Doors at the Federal Ministry of Education and Research.
Parliamentary State Secretaries, Thomas Rachel, and Andreas Storm, had a close look at the results of our work.
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